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Eva Pitch 1.3
Eva (Exceptional Voice App) is a suite ofvoice feminization apps for transgender women. As a transgenderwoman, you know how difficult it is to sound female. Eva will guideyou step-by-step over a series of courses and lessons to help youfind the voice that fully expresses the woman you are, whetheryou’re a beginner or an advanced student.Expressing your true inner woman is not just about talking in ahigher pitch, but it’s certainly a place to begin feminizing yourvoice. A female voice is about one octave higher than the malepitch. The Eva|Pitch app is a self-contained mini-lesson that willshow you exactly how to tune your pitch in order to begindeveloping your female voice.Eva will guide you through fun exercises and provide immediatefeedback with her built-in frequency tuner, which shows you whetheryou’re on target. It’s fun to compete with yourself and yourfriends with the integrated scoring system as you master yourfeminine pitch. Share your scores on Facebook and Twitter to letyour friends know how you’re doing.NOTE: The Eva Apps are only compatible with Galaxy S3. The EvaApps are not supported by other Android devices at this time.
Eva Breathe 1.2
Eva (Exceptional Voice App) is a suite ofvoice feminization apps for transgender women. As a transgenderwoman, you know how difficult it is to sound female. Eva will guideyou step-by-step over a series of courses and lessons to help youfind the voice that fully expresses the woman you are, whetheryou’re a beginner or an advanced student.Developing appropriate abdominal breathing is one of thefundamental components to safely and effectively feminize yourvoice. The Eva|Breathe app is a self-contained mini-lesson thatwill show you exactly how to use appropriate breathing to developyour feminine voice.Eva will guide you through fun exercises and provide immediatefeedback, which is essential for a successful learning experience.The built-in scoring system will let you know whether you’re ontarget. It’s fun to compete with yourself and your friends as youmaster this skill. Share your scores on Facebook and Twitter to letyour friends know how you’re doing.NOTE: The Eva Apps are only compatible with Galaxy S3. The EvaApps are not supported by other Android devices at this time.
Eva Pitch4 1.0
Eva Pitch4 is the 5th Lesson in the EvaFundamentals–a transgender voice training mobile app course. Thisis the final lesson of the triplet.The instructional video for this lesson, Eva|Pitch4, providesyou with additional Eva vocals. Again, you have the choice of goingthrough this warm-up then moving on to the practice video, orpracticing all three warm-up routines consecutively.Your Eva Vocals for Eva|Pitch4 consist of descending pitchslides – that means sliding your pitch downward using the samesounds we’ve used before –“hee,” “haa,” or “hoo”. We’ll continue totune your pitch to A3 (220 Hz) and C4 (263 Hz). We use the C4anchoring pitch in later Eva lessons. After you complete thisroutine with Kathe, you will work with the exercises in theself-guided section.The practice video for Eva|Pitch4 combines your proprioceptionand metacognition strategies in the drills. Kathe cues you to feeland think about your posture, breathing, pitch and the resonancebuzz in your face when you repeat short phrases and talk aboutvarious topics.
EvaM Pitch 1.0
Eva (Exceptional Voice App) is a suite ofvoice training mobile application products. Eva is a self-guidedlearning experience that allows you to make efficient use of yourtime and energy and take your personal voice trainer on the go withyou.The Exceptional Voice program has been adapted into convenientlessons for your mobile device. These two initial lessons EvaMBreathe and EvaM Pitch will help lay the foundation for building afull, rich masculine voice. The techniques and exercises aredesigned for you transgender men who are beginning to masculinizeyour voice, whether you’re early in your gender transition or havebeen living full time for years. This Eva M program also has afunction of keeping the voice tuned for you guys who have masteredyour masculine voice, yet want a little something more to keep youvocally fit.Eva M will provide you with ten lessons, which will be availableseparately at first. Later, when all the lessons have beencompleted, we will bundle them together into a single app. You willbe able to purchase the whole program or individual lessons asneeded.Your Eva M Pitch lesson trains you to ease your voice downwardto two specific pitches C3 (165 Hz) and A2 (110 Hz). The goal is toexperience these pitches in your body and to learn how to use thissensation to keep your pitch in this range when you speak.You will practice your Eva vocals together with Kathe (and amale voice model) in the practice video. Some of the exercisesinclude pitch slides (descending) and your goal is to stay withinthe pitch markers. You are guided to use your airflow to controlthe pitch within these pitch exercises.After learning these techniques with Kathe in the practicevideo, you’ll have an opportunity to practice on your own using theself-guided section of this app. And if you’d like, you can shareyour score with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. We’re usingthe hashtag #evavoiceapp.
EvaM Breathe 1.0
Eva (Exceptional Voice App) is a suite ofvoice training mobile application products. Eva is a self-guidedlearning experience that allows you to make efficient use of yourtime and energy and take your personal voice trainer on the go withyou.The Exceptional Voice program has been adapted into convenientlessons for your mobile device. These two initial lessons Eva MBreathe and Eva M Pitch will help lay the foundation for building afull, rich masculine voice. The techniques and exercises aredesigned for you transgender men who are beginning to masculinizeyour voice, whether you’re early in your gender transition or havebeen living full time for years. This Eva M program also has afunction of keeping the voice tuned for you guys who have masteredyour masculine voice, yet want a little something more to keep youvocally fit.Eva M will provide you with ten lessons, which will be availableseparately at first. Later, when all the lessons have beencompleted, we will bundle them together into a single app. You willbe able to purchase the whole program or individual lessons asneeded.Your Eva M Breathe lesson guides you to use your abdominalmuscles to control your airflow. Learning to manage the breathcycle begins with the intention to speak. The techniques andexercises are provided in several short videos and teach you how toconnect what you’re thinking with your voice. The introductionvideo teaches you about the motor mechanics for speechbreathing.Kathe will guide you through each exercise in the practicevideo. She will cue you to focus on your posture when practicingthe breathing techniques. Some of the exercises include becomingaware of a specific tempo as you control your airflow for consonantsounds like “sss” or “fff.”After learning these breathing techniques with Kathe in thepractice video, you’ll have an opportunity to practice on your ownusing the self-guided section of this app. Eva will provide yourscore after you’ve completed three trials. And if you’d like, youcan share your score with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.
Eva Pitch3 1.0
Eva Pitch3 is the 4th Lesson inEva’sFundamentals–a transgender voice training mobile app course.As younow know, these lessons are a triplet and are meant to beworkedwith together as a group.The instructional video for this lesson, Eva|Pitch3, consistsofspecific warm-up routines. You might find that you like usingallthree instructional videos consecutively to give yourself alongerroutine. Or, you might simply go through the warm-up routinewithKathe, and then move on to the practice video and the exercisesforeach lesson.Your Eva Vocals for this routine consist of ascendingpitchslides – that means sliding your pitch upward for the sounds“hee,”“haa,” or “hoo.” You will again tune your pitch again to theA3(220 Hz), and you’ll be introduced to pitch tuning exercises toC4(263 Hz). After you complete this routine with Kathe, you willworkindependently with these exercises in the self-guidedsection.The practice video for this lesson, Eva|Pitch3, will focusonconnecting your thoughts–that is using the metacognitivestrategythat is an essential element of the Exceptional Voiceapproach. Inthis lesson you will experience connecting your memoryof thosepitch slides to short phrases. Kathe will cue you to thinkaboutthe buzz in your face when you say each phrase.
Eva Pitch2 1.0
Eva Pitch2 is the 3rd Lesson inEva’sFundamentals–a transgender voice training mobile app course.Thetechniques and exercises are designed for you transgender womenwhoare beginning to feminize your voice, whether you’re early inyourgender transition or have been living full time for years.ThisFundamentals program also has a function of keeping the voicetunedfor you gals who have mastered your feminine voice, yet wantalittle something more to keep you vocally fit.These next few lessons are a triplet and are meant to beworkedwith together as a group. Eva|Pitch2, Eva|Pitch3, andEva|Pitch4build upon what you’ve learned in the initial twoessential voicetraining lessons–Eva|Breathe & Eva|Pitch.The instructional videos for this triplet of lessons consistofspecific warm-up routines. You might find that you like usingallthree instructional videos consecutively to give yourself alongerroutine. Or, you might simply go through the warm-up routinewithKathe, and then move on to the practice video and the exercisesforeach lesson.The practice video for Eva|Pitch2 will re-visit the cuesforposture, breathing and pitch which were taught in theinitialEva|Pitch lesson. You will practice Eva vocals together withKathe.Some of the exercises include consonant-slides from avoicelesssound like “sss” or “fff” to a voiced sound like “zzz” or“vvv.”After learning these vocals with Kathe in the video, you’llhave anopportunity to practice these slides on your own usingtheself-guided section of this app.One of the goals for this lesson is for you to experiencethesensation of sounds in your body. This proprioception strategyis asignificant training element and must be mastered for you tohavelong-term success with your voice. We will sustain thesesoundpairs–like “sss” and “zzz”–at two different pitches, A3 andC4. Asyou practice these vocals with Kathe in the video, you willbeencouraged to feel the buzz of the voiced sound in your face.Afterthe vocals, you will work together with Kathe to connectthebreath, pitch and buzz in words. As with the initial lessons,youare provided with additional practice material in the“More”section of this app.
EvaF Version: 3.0.9 Build: r1011
Exceptional Voice
Eva (Exceptional Voice App) is a voice-training mobile app fortransgender people. Eva provides a complete training program usingthe Exceptional Voice Method for both trans feminine and transmasculine speakers. Eva consists of special learning objectives andtraining elements in unique video-based instruction and practiceroutines, as well as specific self-guided exercises. Eva'smethodology guides users through a series of lessons and courses.Eva's real-time voice analysis tools provide instant feedback soyou immediately know if you're on- or off-target for the voicetraining elements. EvaF, for trans feminine speakers, also consistsof uniquely designed training tools (pitch tuner, pitch tracker,sound pressure level meter, metronome, and voice recorder) thatprovide users with specific feedback. Eva's Resonance Analyzer, anever-seen-before unique transgender resonance training tool, iscurrently in development. You will be notified through the app onceit is complete. EvaF provides three courses (when complete) toaddress the training needs of beginners, and intermediate andadvanced users. Voice Feminization Fundamentals (20 lessons)provides trans feminine speakers who are beginning their voicetransformation with all the exercises and techniques they need inorder create a natural feminine voice. Beyond the Fundamentals (10lessons, when complete) will provide intermediate levelvoice-training exercises and techniques for trans feminine speakerswho have found their feminine voice and are ready to take theirvoice to the next level. Mastery of Your Feminine Voice (10lessons, when complete) is the advanced and final course in theExceptional Voice Method voice feminization program. This course isfor trans feminine speakers who are relatively happy with, and feelskillfu,l about their voice, but want high-level, executive voicetraining techniques and strategies in order to find power andconfidence in their business and professional lives. IMPORTANTNOTE: This Android build is compatible for most common Androiddevices, (Samsung Galaxy series, Xiaomi series, LG, and Huaweiseries). The high degree of device fragmentation, owing to thelarge number of brands and models now available, is compounded bythe fact that many brands use their own modified version(s) ofAndroid. The open source functionality of the Android platformmeans that Eva may not be compatible with your device. If this isthe case, please promptly request a refund from Google. If you waittoo long, you may lose the option for a refund. If you purchasedEva 1.0 on your Android device in 2013 or 2014, those apps are nolonger available. Please contact us. Trans Masculine Speakers EvaM,our trans masculine voice-training program, currently has fivelessons available for your use. When complete, the trans masculineprogram will have one course of ten lessons.
EvaM Version: 3.0.9 Build: r1011
Exceptional Voice
EvaM, for trans masculine speakers, provides voice training over 10lessons.